Imaginarium II - Sublime Galleria

05 Apr

The ability to convert imagination into reality intrigued Alayna Zaid and this, along with her love for experimenting, drew her to the world of art. She has been painting since the tender age of three.

In essence, she embodies the rich expressive artistic impulses that the fathers of abstract art such as Jackson Pollock and Pablo Picasso drew upon, to create the entire abstract art movement. Alayna breaks away from the conformity and convention of regular art to create arworks truly stunning in their vivacity and originality.

A child is the true modern artist. Children are free, unhindered and pure in their application and motivation.

With her first sell-out show in 2016, she’s back with 42 new works that mark a significant point in her artistic journey. Her development over the last year can be seen in the wholehearted embracement of abstraction, and the innovative, out-of-the-box techniques applied in the creation of her art. She is overwhelmingly interested in colours, textures, shapes and lines as a raw expressive ingredient in the process of creation. Spray paint, powdery, glistening surfaces intrigue her experimental mind and she finds the infinite dazzling variations of the interplay of colour immensely exciting. Every stroke, smear and splash is the indelible signature of innocence – the subconscious mind ‘writing’ its own existence – in the moment – onto a canvas using paint and found objects.

Her latest collection can be described as complex yet accessible, sophisticated yet unguided. They communicate a sense of excitement and allow the viewers a unique access into her creative mind, leaving them in awe and wonder.

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